About Christina
Your Water Specialist
I am a creator and an architect of healthy environments. In many ways. I am impacted by my surroundings. So, to thrive, I love beautiful fashion, colourful art, custom decor and a cozy, well-appointed living space that’s uplifting, bright, and organized.
My Story
More About Christina
I choose organic food, homemade options and do my best to eat in a style that supports my health goals.
I’ve entered my fourth decade. Haha – what a great way to put it! Right?!?
I’ve experienced setbacks and chronic illness. I’ve lost it all: career, hopes for a family, a home, and I’ve had to restart. That’s ok. I’ve got a very bright future in store.
I believe in holistic approaches to tackling health challenges. The experts who have had the greatest impact in my health improvements are Holistic Cancer Practitioners, Functional Medicine Doctors, Holistic Dentists, Osteopaths, Massage Therapists, Holistic Nutritionists and the list goes on.
I have an amazing life partner and loyal support. My husband, Paul, loves me more than life and shows it daily. Together we work as a team to build and rebuild whatever we need to accomplish in life.

My Story
What I do
Detox people’s lives by changing their water.
Save people time, money, and energy by generating hundreds of useful replacements using JUST WATER.
Help business owners obtain another income stream.
Coach a growing team of people who are helping others.
Inspire whenever possible by doing my best to lead by example.
My Story
Who I love to work with
Strong, confident women.
Business owners and entrepreneurs in the health and wellness space
Action takers. People who have actions that match their intentions and words.
People who hold themselves to account for their choices and are trying everyday to improve their health.
Community builders who help others.
People who have deep insight and can geek out on heavy conversations. I can talk for hours with the right brains.

What I Do
My Purpose
Ensuring ALL PILLARS of health are thriving:
Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Physical health
Get In Touch
- christinaschifitto@gmail.com
- 416-303-3714
The people I work with

Jerome Herbert
Meet Jerome Herbert. He is my extraordinary business partner who has provided me with incredible support, guidance and mentorship. Jerome has been successfully building teams since January of 2014.
Jerome has an organization that dominates New Mexico, USA with multiple teams expanding globally. Upwards of almost 2,000 individual machine sales exist in his growing organization!

Paul Schifitto
Meet Paul, my husband and primary support to this business. Paul has been managing massive multi-million dollar projects, teams of technicians. He keeps us on track, manages some of the most critical financial matters to our Enagic® business. He’s an integral part of our success.
Most importantly, Paul’s perseverance, consistency, and commitment to supporting my wellness and entrepreneur business in order to recreate the life we want is most valued.