How this Restaurant Went Toxic-Free and Retained More Customers

March 24, 2022

By Christina Schifitto

Shalu & Christina

Sometimes small changes in life can lead to big results.

Let us consider something as simple as ionized alkaline water.

When Shalu from Simmering Kettle chose to invest in an ionized alkaline water machine, it dramatically transformed the environment in such a short period.

How Simmering Kettle Was Introduced to Ionized Alkaline Water


If you’re still not sure if ionized alkaline water is good for you, here are a few other benefits of ionized alkaline water that are no less important.

  • It improves metabolism

  • Supports the immune system
  • Slows the process of aging
  • Improves digestion and colon health
  • Aids in hydration, and skin health.

In the past few years, the popularity of Kangen water has risen considerably. Thanks to the awareness generated by users, the benefits of ionized alkaline water are well-known.

For those who aren’t familiar with ionized alkaline water, here’s how it works.

The pH value of a substance determines its acidity or alkalinity. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 14 and 7 stands for neutral.

Ionized alkaline water has a pH of 8.5 to 9.5. If the values are lower than 7, the water is acidic.

The water that we consume has a major impact on our health and well-being.In a restaurant, most operations involve the use of water.

Learning about the multiple health benefits of alkaline water was an eye-opener for Shalu.

When she attended my demo, she learnt that ionized alkaline water has numerous benefits like:

Christina with a bottle

• Anti-ageing properties

• Reducing gastrointestinal symptoms

• Detoxing properties

• Supports the immune system

Simmering Kettle is passionate about choosing quality ingredients. They believe in embracing organic and planet-friendly solutions in daily operations. So, it was a natural step for them to switch to Kangen Water when they discovered its benefits.

Before investing in the machine, Shalu conducted a simple test with some tomatoes.
She cleaned two batches of the same tomatoes, one with normal water and one with Kangen
The difference in the colour of the Kangen water showed that it was actually removing pesticides and other harmful chemicals from the vegetables.
And as a result, the tomatoes washed with Kangen water tasted better… like, way better.

When Shalu used ionized alkaline water to clean more vegetables, she noticed a significant difference
in taste.

What Changed for Simmering Kettle Using Kangen Water?

Converting to ionized alkaline water dramatically changed the feedback the Simmering Kettle received from customers. Their customers loved it.All the dishes on the menu, including beverages like soups, coffee, tea, and even the sauces tasted better.

Shalu noticed a significant improvement in the percentage of customer retention in a few months. Moreover, families came back not just for the food but also as the children loved the taste of water. In fact, Simmering Kettle has added ionized alkaline water in as a part of their takeout or delivery menu.The biggest advantage of the machine is it allows you to change the pH of water from acidic to alkaline. This helps in taking the full range of advantages that ionized alkaline water offers.

If you’re a restaurant owner who is looking to switch over to ionized alkaline water, contact me and I would be happy to have a discovery call with you.

Right Steps Towards Health

Major changes that resulted from using Kangen water.


• The 2.5 pH strong acidic water is also known as hypochlorous acid. This acid is present in healthy white blood cells. It acts as a potent disinfectant and sterilizer.

• By using acidic water, restaurant employees were able to remove a whole range of microbes from fruits and vegetables.

• Acidic water was used as a disinfectant not only for the fresh produce but also for knives and cutting boards, kitchen counters, doorknobs, and toilets to minimize the risks of cross-contamination.

•Reduced the use of harsh sanitizers and cleaners ensured a chemical-free environment in the restaurant. This acidic water can be used even on the hands of small children with no side effects.

















• Acidic water also helped with cleaning and disinfecting the cups, plates, and pots. Not to mention, it removed stubborn stains and spots.

 • The restaurant used 11.5 pH strong alkaline water for soaking vegetables for a minute which removed harmful chemicals.

 • Alkaline water worked effectively for degreasing stoves and grease traps. It was also used to clean ovens and sinks instead of using chemical cleaners.

 • Alkaline water was used for safely disinfecting and tenderizing fish, poultry, and meat.

 • Alkaline water was used for steaming or blanching vegetables to enhance their flavour.

After the first month, the Simmering Kettle saved more than $500 on cleaning supplies.

It also reduced the use of plastic containers, ensuring a sustainable, non-toxic environment in the restaurant.

What customers appreciated the most was the difference in flavours. The Simmering Kettle consistently received excellent feedback through Google reviews, with a 4.3-star average rating. This contributed significantly to increased revenues.

Moreover, customers also enquired about the water. Simmering Kettle team members were happy to share the positives of an ionized alkaline water machine with them.


In fact, customers loved the water so much, they were inclined to buy an ionized alkaline water machine for their households.

Shifting to Kangen water was a game-changer. It improved product quality, increased revenue and increased customer retention.

Better Health Solutions for your Business


While Kangen water is a life-changing product, there are other products that can deliver more positive effects on health.

Ukon turmeric is a 100% organic product that is free from all impurities and retains its potency for longer periods. That makes it richer in curcumin than normal turmeric powder. For centuries, turmeric has been used for its anti-cancer properties and its ability to cure respiratory problems in various alternative forms of medicine.

Simmering Kettle started serving Ukon turmeric tea to customers, and they loved it. They’re able to take advantage of its powerful detoxifying properties. This special combination of turmeric and tea is super-rich in antioxidants and imported from Japan.
















Concluding Thoughts

The smallest of changes can lead to substantial results.

Shifting over to ionized alkaline water will help any restaurant business take a healthy and eco-friendly step while increasing revenue. It will also help impact individual lives in a positive way and guide them to better health.

Christina with a bottle


I’m Christina

I am a creator and an architect of healthy environments. In many ways. I am impacted by my surroundings. So, to thrive, I love beautiful fashion, colourful art, custom decor and a cozy, well-appointed living space that’s uplifting, bright, and organized.

I choose organic food, homemade options and do my best to eat in a style that supports my health goals.

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